This CBCA 2022 Book of the Year for Early Childhood is about Milla and her friends who, on weekends, jump off the jetty in their town. A story about overcoming fear even if there may have been circumstances beyond her control to make that happen such as Milla dropping her bracelet.
The team at Learn From Play have made 4 activities for this book for children in their first years of school such as Kindergarten or Foundation and Year 1. The activities which will help bring this book to life are a bracelet making activity, an understanding of how dangerous jetty jumping can be and basic water safety, a find-a-word and matching fear levels.
Students might also benefit from discussion around times they have been afraid and what they have done to overcome their fear and that they do not have to bend to peer pressure as Milla did not jump off the jetty until she was ready to do so. If your gymnasium equipment or swimming pool permits you might also like to practice some of the safer jumps Milla and her friends perform although avoid the belly whack - that sounds painful.