It is so rewarding to see a child develop language and literacy skills while building friendships with their peers through physical activity and play. It would be unusual if a parent or carer did not want their children to enjoy both social and academic success. Play based learning and cross-curricular literacy instruction can support parents, carers and educators in achieving these goals and increase wellbeing in primary school students.
The ability to read proficiently is undeniably one of the most essential skills a child can acquire. Not only does literacy form the foundation for academic achievement, but it also serves as a gateway to lifelong learning and personal growth. Research consistently shows that children who receive early literacy support are better equipped to express themselves verbally, comprehend complex texts, and engage in meaningful conversations.
Exposure to books and literacy-rich environments stimulates critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and cognitive growth. Moreover, engaging with age-appropriate literature and literacy activities nurtures a child's imagination, creativity, and their ability to make connections between ideas, thereby promoting holistic cognitive development. By integrating literacy skills across subjects, children develop a deeper comprehension of complex texts and can grasp content from different disciplines.
Learn From Play combines cross-curricular literacy instruction with play-based learning because play based learning greatly increases student engagement and engaged students learn more! Actively participating in meaningful, interdisciplinary learning also encourages students to take ownership of their education and allows them to see the connections between their learning and the real world. By understanding the practical application of literacy, children can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they analyse and synthesise information across subjects. By facilitating the transfer of knowledge across subjects, students can apply their learning to different contexts thus developing the ability to adapt and utilise their knowledge.
Literacy-based instruction also enhances vocabulary and language development. A rich vocabulary empowers students to articulate their thoughts and ideas more effectively, which in-turn empowers students to express themselves effectively. This Positive reinforcement of a learners agency, helps them to become a more proficient communicator.
The play-based lessons included with each set of Learn From Play book activities combines physical literacy with cognitive and academic skills. This makes learning more engaging and fun for children while also allowing them to acquire physical skills, which are critical for lifelong physical health.
Regular physical activity has been linked to improved cognitive function, including better memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. When children engage in physically active learning, they are more likely to be mentally alert and better equipped to absorb and retain information.
Active learning leads to increased motivation and enthusiasm for learning and reduces the risk of boredom or disengagement in the classroom. As a result of physically active literacy-based learning involving cooperation and teamwork, children develop social skills, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal relationships. Children also learn to communicate, collaborate, and resolve conflicts, which are such valuable life skills.
Developing physical literacy, which includes fundamental movement skills like running, jumping, throwing, and catching, is crucial for children. Growing competent in physical building blocks for sport, lays a foundation for a physically active lifestyle. Research shows that active children are more likely to continue being physically active throughout their lives which reduces the risk of obesity and related health problems as adulthood is reached.
Physical activity can help reduce stress and anxiety in children. When children engage in movement during the school day, it can act as an outlet for stress-relief and support a more positive and conducive learning environment. Physical learning also helps children be more attentive and productive when they return to their sedentary academic tasks.
If you are serious about equipping children with essential and transferable skills across subjects and into their future lives, physically active literacy-based learning will support this goal. Physically active learning promotes deeper understanding, critical thinking, and effective communication; It lays the groundwork for a healthy and active lifestyle and increases overall enjoyment of school. For a simple way to implement more physical activity into your classroom, subscribe to Learn From Play today!